Friday, September 28, 2007

God had a different plan!

Vitalik is the boy on the right.

Well, its hard to know what to say in this blog. We received shocking news from Vladik
yesterday. We are a day behind in our blog. I couldn't bring myself to share the news.
We met Vladik at the school yesterday to go get his medical forms. When he got there he told
our interpreter he wanted to share something with us. at this point he shared that he didn't want to be adopted. He was concerned for his grandmother and didn't want to leave her. As you can imagine we were totally shocked, the day before he wrote out a letter saying he did want to
be adopted. ( we think the grandmother is behind his decision) we told him that would have to be the final answer and that we respected his decision. We only want the best for him. We hugged him and told him we would keep in touch and we would keep him our prayers. We were very upset with the news, but we think its for the best in the long run.

We are attempting to adopt another boy named Vitalik. He is in orpahange #4. the boy in the picture at the top. We have heard very good things about him. He is the leader in his class, very athletic, very popular, smart. He knows some English. We know he wants to be adopted very much. The only challenge we see is that he has a older sister 17 years. She must give her okay. We know that most sibling do give consent. We are trying to contact her to see what she says. We will welcome her to visit us anytime and we encourage them to keep in contact. We will do what we can for her. we are not able to adopt more than one. Please pray for her consent.

Today was much better than yesterday. we still feel this sting but not as much. We will probably be going to Kiev on Monday for a new appointment.

Prayer request: Vladik for protection and that he would give his life to the Lord. Pray for the sister to consent. A quick appointment next weeks for the new boy. Pray as you feel lead.

Thank you for praying and blessings to you,



Paul and Renee Berger said...

Sometimes this process is like a roller coaster ride. Hang on for the ride. God is the engineer.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

We will keep praying!


Charles and Jeri Roberson said...

Yes, you are right Renee it is a roler coaster ride. some times the ride gets pretty bumpy. I thank God he is in control. thanks for the encouragement. I hope all is well with you and your family. Does Yuri know Vitalik? please pray for the sister to agree with the adoption.

blessings to you,