Monday, October 22, 2007


It was a long day today, Not to much to do. I visited with the O'Hare family a bit. They are
hopefully leaving any day now to go home. I did some laundry, walked the street for awhile to
get out of the apartment and to get some exercise. vitalik came to the apartment and we visited, played a card game and of course he played on the computer. He loves the computer.

I asked Michelle come and interrupt for me so I could explain a few things to Vitalik. We discussed our plans for the week. I will start him and Denise with some English lessons tomorrow. He is willing to learn, so that's good. Denise asked if he could come along for the lessons. I bought a few curriculum books here to work with them. They are in English and Russian. I am looking forward to working with them.

I will be up tonight until about 12:30 am. Joshua is going to call me on Skype. He is worth missing a little sleep. He is at a friends house that has skype and web cam. I spoke with Lauren Last night. She is missing her momma. I can't wait to get home.

Prayer request: No more problems with any paper work. Passports to arrive within 3 days. God would give Vitalik and I grace to communicate.

Thanks for praying,
p.s. I am adding a few pictures from Sunday.