Thursday, October 4, 2007

we visited the port yesterday

Hello family and friends,

I pray all is well with you. I am behind on posting because Charles has been working a lot
on the computer. charles and I joined the O'Hare's down to the Black Sea port yesterday. It is in walking distance from where we are staying. Maybe 10 to 12 blocks. As you can see by the picture, Charles had his picture taken with a monkey. I was surprised at how clean the port was.
This quite a nice port. We really don't have a lot to report, we are waiting for our phone call to tell us when to go back to Kiev. We were told by Friday. I have been reading and praying and Charles is working. I am praising God for our SDA Appoint.

Does anyone have any advice or opinions for us?

Prayer request: keep believing with us for appoint. and a quick turn around back to Odessa. Pray for Joshua and Lauren. I pray the weekends for them are fun and not long.

Thanks for you prayers, they make a big difference.

We love you,

1 comment:

Paul and Renee Berger said...

What an answer to prayer about not having to travel to Kiev to get another appointment at the SDA. God always seems to work out our problems in ways that we cannot even imagine. :-)

I will also pray that your request will be received favorably by all officials in Odessa and that all procedures that must be followed will go as quickly as possible!
