Sunday, October 21, 2007

The boys playing soccer at the internot
Vitalik showing off his gymnastic skills by doing flips off the bar.

I thought I would surprise Voucha and give a peck. also, Dima is here with us.

This is Poucha, he is the sweetest boy. He always runs up to you and gives lots of hugs. I would love to see him and his brothers adopted.
Me, Vitalik and Dima on the internot porch.

Denise, vitalik and charles playing a painful rock, paper scissors. If you lose, you get thumped in the head. They were having fun. Thats one way to bond!

Hello everyone,

Charles and I had Vitalik and Denise spend the night last night,then all day today. We had a good time, those boys sure do eat! we are glad to do it for them,It's our pleasure. We watched movies and played games, went to city center today. It was so cold today though we didnt want to stay outside. It was in the 40's.

Now I wait for the 10 days to be over. That will be a week from Tuesday. I think I finally decided to expedite Vitalik's passport. I have heard a lot about passports lately and paying the extra money to just get the job done sounds real good to me right now. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be. I have been watching another family go through the passport experience and it has already been a week tomorrow. They dont have them. I hope they get them soon. I have been told it would cost any where from $300.00 to $500.00.

Tomorrow, I will do some research on exchange students and what is required. We want to help Oxhana (sister) come to US as exchange student. We'll see what happens. she doesnt have many good options here and no family. she is a real sweet girl that deserves more than what she has.

Then, Vitalik will come here after school.

Prayer request: Joshua and Lauren for peace and contentment. the Lord will return charles home safely. pray that the Lord will give grace to us and Vitalik to blend as a family. Please pray as the Lord leads.

I can't thank everyone enough for all your support and prayers, you mean so much to us.

We love you all,

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